History ------- V 0.1.13 -------- -First GAMMA release V 0.2.00 -------- -Added the following Modules : Picture Loaders : IFF Picture Savers : IFF -slight memory losses fixed -some minor bug fixes -MainActor Preferences window added -Viewing of animations/pictures can now be interrupted with the mouse buttons. V 0.2.01 -------- -added the "Frame Info" option of the View Settings Control Window (look at MainActor.doc) -fixed bug which destroyed the color palette when playing a non-looping animation in the Anim5-Loader module. -added the ICON Picture Saver (not very useful, just a gag) -added playing of animations in a window (under os 3.0) -Changed menu item "Load Prefs As ..." to "Open Prefs" V 0.3.00 -------- -added the Anim-7_32 Saver -The "Save" function now checks if enough frames are selected before putting up the asl requester. -dito for "Set Timecode". -MainActor does now a much better job at recognising old/crippled/bad display modes of animations/pictures. -Now only scrolls up/down in the project windows when going PAST the first/last item. -MainActors screen was only public if opened in SHANGHAI mode, fixed -SERIOUS BUG FIXED IN THE ANIM SAVER MODULES == DID NOT RUN UNDER OS3.0 -added many many arexx commands -The save modules print now "saving frame" instead "appending frame" when saving an animation, that could be very misleading -The module selector did sometimes not react properly when selecting a module. -The MainActor preferences "Select Default Save Module" showed the load modules instead of the save modules. V 0.4.00 -------- -Inactive windows (windows with sleeping mousepointers) are now totally oblivious to any input (are blocked). -finished the "MainActor.Doc". -You can now scroll with the cursor keys in the text buffer window, control + cursor will jump to start/end of buffer. -The height of the scroll list in the project windows was too large when selecting bigger font sizes, fixed. -When all 5 projects are active, MainActor now disables the "Open new Project" menu item, instead of showing a requester everytime you select "Open new Project". -made the whole documentation ready for the release version, please report typing/grammatical errors !!!!! -fixed bug which occured while playing non-looping animations together with the frameinfo option. -changed the code for the v39 version of catcomp -added the os 3.0 specific playroutine -you can now retime/exit animations while the animation is waiting to play the next frame. Very useful if you have long timecodes (say 400/60) and want to exit or want to play the animation faster. -Animation loader module added : Anim7_32. -The "Save" function requester now has the path of the animation/pictures as default path V 0.5.00 -------- -fixed bug which was introduced in v0.4.00, the players would always use the timecode of the next frame while playing timed animations. -fixed bug in the os3.0 play routines which caused the play routine to use the color palette of the next frame instead of the current frame while playing timed animations. -german catalog (translation) files added -added some more arexx commands -added some arexx scripts -the Anim7_32 Loader SetTimecode function would destroy the animation by setting the anim5 values, fixed. -added the Anim7_16 modules -added the IFF-AnimBrush Loader Module -forgot to give LayoutMenus the NewLookMenu tag, fixed V 0.6.00 -------- -The size of the itemlist box was again not calculated right, fixed. V 0.9.00 -------- -added the last arexx commands -added the adpro scripts V 1.00 ------- First public release V 1.01 ------ -fixed two bugs in the Text Buffer window -added the Anim8_32 and Anim8_16 modules -version string was not in compliance with the style guide -added the Install Arexx Script window and the execution of the scripts through the function keys -The key commands are now globaly checked, that means that you can for example now scroll the text buffer window via the cursor keys without having the window activated. Will perhaps be removed again as i want the project windows scroll list to be scrollable through the function keys too. -keyfile added -The "Display Mode" function of the View Control Window now checks if the screen id is available on the system -The font and screen requesters of the System Support Window did not disable the input of the other windows V 1.02 ------ -added the workbench-icon loader module and renamed the ICON save module to "Workbench-Icon". -the workbench-icon saver would always append ".info.info", instead ".info" to the save name, fixed -fixed bug which caused the module selection window to be deactivated after changing the module type quit often. Appeared very seldom -added the Universal Animation Loader -the iff saver module is now much more memory efficient (does not need to open a bitmap anymore) -the iff modules now handle IFF24 24-Bit pictures. -The saver modules which cannot store certain image depths give now an error message instead of exiting quietly -some internal changes for better (future) bitplane <==> chunky pixel conversions V 1.03 ------ -added MainView, MainActors external viewer -MainActor now (optionally) saves (self-executing) icons for animations/pics -Universal picture loader added -the initial paths for the "Load" and "Save" function requesters were sometimes not calculated right V 1.04 ------ -added the PCX loader module -added the Universal_PicassoII modules -changed the text "ERROR destination project has not to be cached" to " ... "must not be chached" in the animation save modules. -the modules now have a version string. -the rexx directory has been moved from rexx:mainactor to mainactor:rexx -the modules in the module requester are now sorted in alphabetical order V 1.05 ------ -added the "Number of Repeats" and "Flash" options, see the docs -All options in the View Settings Window which belong to animations (frameinfo, flash ...) are now disabled when the source project is a picture list -the icon save routine now also saves the "(Pic|Anim_Module)=", "Repeat=", "Flash" keywords -MainView now recognizes the repeat and flash command line options/ tooltypes, see mainview.doc -fixed bug in the pcx loader module which crashed the machine if you wanted to view an uncached picture. -the "Select Mode" requester of the "View Settings Window" showed many 'crap' modes which MainActor could not use, this has been fixed. V 1.06 ------ -The picasso universal modules now support the width and height sizes of the chosen viewmode id. V 1.1 ----- Public Release V 1.11 ------ -fixed some problems with larger fonts -renamed the "Display Mode" gadget in the View Settings Window to "Mode" -added the "SFCP_PicassoII" modules -The module selection window now also accepts double clicks of the left mouse button for module selection -displaying pictures on the picasso display could crash the computer. -SERIOUS BUG FIX : The modules needed fast-mem to to start up, they now also work with chip-mem only (A1200 users) V 1.12 ------ -got the amigaguide version of the docs, thanks paul ! -the XOffset and YOffset values of the Project View Settings Control Window will now not be set to zero every time you open a new project, they will contain their old value, making it possible to save them in the preference files -MainView did sometimes not read the informations in the (MainActor saved) project icons right, fixed -MainActor now also (like MainView) reads the information included in icons saved with MainActor, MainActor checks the following tooltypes: Window,FrameInfo,NoCaching,Flash,XOffset,YOffset,Repeat -the last problems with chip mem only machines are now fixed ! -rewrote parts of the documentation while converting them to texinfo, was tedious work but it had to be done. The docs are now included in the amigaguide format, in plain text and in tex (dvi). I plan to ship printed mainuals to registered users, but the docu needs some more work first, and i have to find a cheap way for printing. V 1.13 ------ -when selecting another view mode id for projects, the ham key would be cleared for ham projects, making it rather useless for ham animations or pictures. This has been fixed. -The sort routine in the picture modules did sometimes not work right and caused enforcer hits, fixed. -The decoding routines for the following modules were optimized: IFF-Anim5,IFF-Anim7_16,IFF-Anim7_32,IFF-Anim8_16,IFF-Anim8_32. The optimizations are well worth 1-3 fps, thanks go to Jesper Juul for his suggestions. -added the "Dither_adpro.ma" and the "Relief_adpro.ma" arexx scripts. -changed the dimensions of the asl requesters. -When multi-selecting frames in the project windows scroll list some frames could be skipt if the mouse was accelerated too quickly, fixed. -SERIOUS BUG UNDER KICKSTART 2.0 HAS BEEN FIXED: The save modules would either crash or the requesters asking for palette per frame and loop/non-looping animation would not appear. V 1.14 ------ -Showing pictures/animations in the window mode is now MUCH faster as before. -MainActor does not check the "NoCaching" tooltype in animation/picture icons anymore. It was only meant to be interpreted by MainView. V 1.15 ------ -The depth slider in the prefs window will now be updated to the new maximum of colours when a new screen mode is selected. -AGA machines would sometimes only display a black screen, FIXED ! V 1.16 ------ -Version 1.15 could not scroll images through the top border, fixed -The IFF loader had difficulties with 24 Bit images under kickstart 2.0, fixed V 1.16a ------- -added Retina support V 1.17 ------ -Redesigned the project view settings window and added the center option. The gadgets will also now be dis/en-abled according to the settings of the display mode gadget. MainView now uses the new center option by default -The icon save routine will now only save enabled tooltypes -The preferences would sometimes (very rare) not start up properly, fixed -MainView did not open an ASL-requester if an option like "-nc" was given on the commandline without a filename -Removed the SFCP_PicassoII picture modules from the distribution -Added the Project Information window and removed the project information string from the title bar -GIF loader added -added a very fast chunky pixel interface between the universal and the normal modules. Loader modules which process chunky pixel formats (like the GIF loader) now directly access chunky pixel devices through the proper universal modules (like Universal_PicassoII, Universal_Retina). If loaded normally (or through the normal Universal module) they behave as normal bitmap based modules -MainView now uses the asl single-select routine under wb2.0 instead of the not yet existing (wb2.1+) multi-select feature -The Universal_PicassoII animation loader now uses the new double buffering features of the vilintuisup.library rev2 -The Asl-File requester now open centered on the visible part of the screen instead relative to the mouse coordinates. The same for the windows opened by the modules (show picture/play animation) who only centered on the screen and not on the visible part of it. -Playing of non-looping animations was buggy (only on AGA machines and under certain circumstances) -Workaround for SetRGB32CM() bug under v39 kickstarts (Thanks to Jesper for investigating this one) -added 3d look to window border scrollers V 1.17a ------- -new shareware concept : requesters instead of disabling the save modules. Introduction of light registration package for $25 -improved the Project Profile function -added the FLI loader V 1.17b ------- -the Decomp. Time gadget in the Project Information window has been replaced by the "BitMap Time" gadget and the "Chunky Time" gadget -the project info window now shows a new line : "Supports Chunky Pixels" if the source projects image format is chunky pixel based -the "SetTimecode" function now sets the global fli timecode in fli animations -The fli chunky performance has improved for about %30-40 after recoding the FLI_LC decoding routine into assembly -iff-byterun decoding has been moved from c to asm -fixed memory leak in the FLI loader -The Flash option/tooltype has been replaced by the BorderBlank (BBlank) option -added the Time Profile function -the images can now not be scrolled through the left/top border. The YOffset /XOffset values do not accept negative values anymore V 1.17c ------- -memory lossage occured when showing single pictures with the FLI loader -added the Picasso modules (currently only 8 bit) V 1.17d ------- -added FLC loader, fixed some problems with the FLI loader -fixed cosmetic problem in the IFF saver : page(Width|Height) were not set to the X,Y values. This could cause problems with DPaint -the animation save modules will now always ask if you want to have a color palette per frame or not (previously they did that only if the source project was a picture list) V 1.18 ------ -added FLI saver -added the RequestFile and RequestSaveFile arexx functions and updated the arexx scripts -fixed enforcer hit in MainView (introduced in v1.17 ?) -added FLC saver -Images/Animations can now only be scrolled on the visible part of the screen -added DL loader V 1.18a ------- -due to a bug in the sort algorithm of the picture modules, picture lists were only loaded right if the number of directory entries did not exceed 2000, fixed -problems with odd sized hires resolutions on AGA displays fixed -added the handling of fli_black frames to the FLI/FLC modules -added append support to the Picasso saver module V 1.18b ------- -bug in the iff-body compression routine fixed -fixed bug in the bitmap allocation for the Size and TimeProfile function (under wb2.x only) V 1.2 ----- Public Release V 1.21 ------ -fixed bug in the IFF-Anim5 and IFF-AnimBrush loader modules -introduced workaround for the SetRGB32CM() blue value bug -ocassional green flashing during OS 3.0 playback should be fixed V 1.22 ------ -the Anim5-Loader did not recognize Anim5 animations saved by the AAP_AAC package. This is due to a big in AAP_AAC. Introduced workaround -AGA playback for CPF animations has been improved again -fixed problems with the Anim5/7/8 savers which could cause trouble in higher AGA fetchmodes and could result in crippled animations (occured however very seldom) V 1.23 ------ -the width and height gadgets of the system preferences window were not updated when a new screen mode was selected, fixed -added the Universal_Merlin picture and anim modules -major speed increase in chunky pixel FLC playback, the FLC_SS2 decoding routine has been optimized V 1.3 ----- -splitted the Miscellanious menu up into the Selection and Miscellanious menu, added the Invert function in the Selection menu. Dito for the arexx command -renamed the Project Info function to Project Information -if an animation/picture had a crippled or not displayable ViewModeID, MainActor/MainView tried to recreate it but did forget to set the HAM/EHB keys (if it was set in the modeID), fixed -the modules disc access functions have been entirely rewritten. The modules use now async. look ahead caches, this should cause a dramatic speedup of all hd accesses (hd playback) -Added Sound Support, you can control it through the new Miscellanious/Set Sound menu item. Only IFF-Samples are supported through the new IFF-Samples module, samples can only have a size of 102 kb up to now V 1.31 ------ -hd playback has been improved again -the gadgets of the view settings window will now only be activated if the associated functions are supported by the output device. That means that for example Frame Info and BBlank are now ghosted when the output device is a graphic card (Picasso etc.) -When trying to load larger picture lists, the PCX and GIF loaders would load some pictures twice V 1.32 ------ -appending now works through the universal modules. The saver modules now automatically recognize if the destination project is of the right format -special care has been taken to eliminate all color flicker during native amiga playback -if required, MainActor now opens larger overscan areas for native amiga display modes -added the Real3D and the IFF-Anim3 loader modules V 1.4 ----- -The actual module will now be selected as default in the Select Load/Save Module Requester -The IFF-Sample module now plays samples which are larger than 102 kb -Added the "Clone" function to the Sound Module Requester -updated the documentation -added the AVI loader module -If all entries in the Sound Module Requester were deleted, the ".snd" file was not changed (i.e. not deleted) -The sound info files are now also saved during save operations. Only the frames which are really saved into the new animation or picture list get added into the ".snd" file -added the IFF-AnimJ loader module V 1.5 ----- Public Release V 1.51 ------ -Ups, forgot to include the Real3D loader in the v1.5 archive -Added EGS support -Fixed a bug in the IFF-Anim8_16 and IFF-Anim8_32 anim loaders (Bug was introduced in v1.5) -Animations created by Brilliance were not loaded correctly, fixed (Bug was introduced in v1.5) V 1.52 ------ -Recieved the french documentation, thanks Philippe !! -Recieved the german documentation, thanks Oliver !! -The FLI saver now uses the old FLI_COLOR chunks instead of the newer FLI_256_COLOR chunks. Some older FLI players had problems with them -Fixed a general bug in the color selection routines of the FLI and FLC savers V 1.53 ------ -Fixed a small bug in the GIF loader module -Simplified the loading routines of the modules -The display mode requester in the project settings window did not show lowres modes under workbench revision 2.1, fixed -Fixed a bug in the IFF-AnimX modules which could result in color flashes during playback. This only occured if the animation did have color palettes per frame and some of them were missing -The picture loaders did fail to sort the pics correctly if more than a few hundreds were loaded, fixed V 1.54 ------ -Fixed a bug which i introduced in v1.53. The color palette of buffered CPA anims could screw up. This only happened if you have palettes which are not divideable by four (e.g. 2 bit) -MainActor did sometimes not recognize IFF anims correctly (mostly under AGA), this behaviour was introduced with v1.5 but i did not recieve a bug report until now V 1.55 ------ -The preferences file was sometimes not loaded correctly if MA was configured to use the wb screen -The AVI loaders RGB codec handling was buggy, fixed -The centration of 16 and 24 bit Picasso anims was not done right -Fixed a bug in the Picasso modules (os20 only)